Buck the/Shut the : FUCK UP

4 min readJun 30, 2021

Capability is more important than capital.

It always has been. We just forgot over the last (very brief) stretch of human history.

You are not your environment, you are your reaction to your environment, and humanity is currently failing this test.

As I had appropriated years ago: “’Tis not the sea, ’tis the sailor.”

Have you been watching for real? Or have you been watching the “news?” This fear-monger state-supported nonsense? They’re here for the system. They NEED the system, and your fear. They can’t…




Director, Fixer. Writer. Maker. Author of “Plateau Surfers, or: The Explanation of It All,” (http://amzn.to/1dWLzme) and 57 other unfinished projects.